Latest update on How frustrating must that weather be as you are all hyped up to race, race, race?
Day 4 and normality is life onboard, eat, sleep and work. The last 24 hours have again been slightly frustrating due to the temperamental light med breeze. We seemed never to aim at the goal, Gibraltar and when we did the boat speed was at a crawling pace. Last night we went in towards the Spanish coast trying to find the best way through the small windless band in front of us. In fact we were windless for only a short time and despite there seeming to not be a breath on the water we were able to make good progress. We were hoping for a land breeze close inshore caused by warm air rising off the sea and cold air rushing in off the land to replace it, the opposite of a sea breeze we so often see on our coastline in the summer. We did get something and managed to stop the rot overnight and late this morning we found some wind, its still coming from where we want to go but hey we're not complaining. 135Nm as the crow flies to Gibraltar, for us it will be more like 180Nm and plenty of tacks! Both of us feeling well and dandy!
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